Sorry, but we don’t discuss pay until we meet. If we think we will be a good fit for each other, we will not only tell you about our compensations package, but we will put it in writing and go over it line-by-line
We don't have guaranteed hours, but our people get a lot of work.
In general, most hospitals and nursing homes prefer scrubs. Outpatient environments like polo shirts and khakis or business casual. Certain facilities do have specific requirements (color of scrubs, etc.), but we'll tell you if the facility requires something out of the normal general attire.
If you're sick, call the main number and press #1 so you can talk to someone in staffing. We don’t care what time it is. We want to know as soon as you know. This rule also applies to sick kids, husbands, and family emergencies.
Like all reputable health care companies, we require one month's notice.
As soon as we have your paperwork turned in and background check, drug test, etc., completed.
Yes, if the prospective therapist has a minimum of one year, in-USA direct-patient care and they make it through the interview.